Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Just to tell that at 4.52 am currently I can't sleep! Awoke around 2.44 till now! Checked the phone and got some messages and missed calls! Owh. sorry there, I just had my beautiful night dreaming of life! Hehe.

Actually I just wanna to share! There's something inside! And it was painful! It's not about the strategic management.(haha). Or even any other things (including the weight problem...owhhh). Maybe the effects of the biological factor! Yet, lately I've problem with my sleeping time. Hey, it is totally annoying okay! I can't even manage my sleep time properly! That's was bad! Poor me :(

But, wait! It's not the point! Peduli la dengan waktu tidur yang tak menentu tu! I'm sure there's something else! I guess. Cracked! I wish that I could tell you now how this heart feelings!Erkkkk....

This entry end here! Nothing much to say! Subuh will come around and I hope I can get the peacefulness. Amin. 

Note: Maybe I'm a big jealousy and that's why this feeling play around me! Owh, please don't!

Love, h'wawa

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